Technical specifications:
For a producer of tablets printed on one side, SysTec GmbH has constructed an inspection system from Bensheim that inspects the tablets individually without packaging. The stand-alone machine called Taco 20 checks whether the printing is present and whether the tablet shape is intact. For this purpose, the test objects are brushed into a tablet, where they can be inspected from both sides simultaneously and ejected individually in case of defects. The fact that the tablets are shiny makes the optical examination more difficult. They are therefore checked with special reflection-free exposure. According to the manufacturer’s specifications, the system checks 220,000 tablets/h. By exchanging two format parts on the tablet and ejection system, the machine can be used for different piece goods. – Extract of the article “Play it safe…” from the Packaging review – issue 8/2005
Subject to technical changes at any time and without notice.